How to really enlarge your penis using surgical operations and mechanical influences

From adolescence, the male genital organ is the part of the body that receives particular attention. Any phrase about insufficient height can become a real insult. Therefore, almost all men dream of having more dignity. But not everyone really knows how to enlarge a penis, many think that this is a myth. In the flow of information, it is important to find a technique that will actually cope with the task and will not cause harm to the body.

Normal penis sizes

It is difficult to give exact figures on normal penis size, because this indicator is vague. According to scientists, the erect penis should be 12 to 20 cm long.

Today, 3 notions are put forward concerning this problem:

  • Micropenis. When erect, its length does not exceed 2 cm.
  • Small cock. When excited, it reaches a length of 9. 5 cm, no more.
  • Normal male organ. In an excited state from 9. 5 cm and above.

All measurements are taken from the base of the penis, located near the anterior abdominal wall, to the head. When a man notices that in reality the parameters of his dignity are far from ideal, the question arises of how to enlarge his penis very quickly. The quickest method is surgery and the longest is exercise.

Surgical method

An effective and relatively quick way to increase male dignity is to undergo surgery. The surgical method is divided into 2 groups: increasing the length of the penis and changing the volume of the penis.

The length changes due to the cutting of the ligamentous apparatus of the male organ. This method allows you to obtain a result of + 4 cm. After manipulation, the penis will be positioned horizontally in erection. The procedure involves the use of an extension cord once completed.

The thickness is changed by introducing your own fatty tissue under the skin of the penis. Additionally, allografts are used.


Any surgical method requires a preliminary and thorough examination of the patient to identify possible contraindications.

Complications after surgery

The patient, when specifying how to actually enlarge his penis, should inquire about the complications. For example, a man may not be satisfied with the aesthetics after handling.

But in addition to appearance, other consequences are possible that require help from medical personnel:

  • hematomas;
  • bleeding from sutures;
  • scars;
  • suture infection;
  • sexual dysfunction of a temporary or permanent nature;
  • trauma at the psycho-emotional level;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • blood clots;
  • decrease, loss of sensitivity of the genital organ;
  • incorrect erection angle.
A man plans to enlarge his penis

Mechanical devices

To increase the thickness and length of the penis, new devices appear on the market every year, optimal for certain consumers.

Among them are the following mechanical devices:

  • hangers;
  • pliers;
  • nozzles of various shapes and configurations;
  • rings;
  • pumps;
  • extensions.

In order to understand how to enlarge the penis very quickly, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of the product, the principle of operation and conditions of use. Perhaps, before using a chosen method, it is worth testing the effects of traditional methods. For example, baking soda, which can thin the blood and increase its flow to all parts of the body, to the penis in particular. This painless home method must be combined with massages.

It is possible to prepare a recipe composed of Vietnamese cream and NaHCO3. To do this, mix soda with warm water to make a paste, add a little cream (the size of a match head), mix, massage for a minute and apply to the skin. Thanks to this extraordinary remedy, you can improve the condition of the skin of the penis, stimulate blood supply to the organ and naturally increase its size.

Real penis enlargement using various techniques

Before using a specific method, it is worth considering the following nuances: is it possible to actually enlarge the penis and what risks can the patient take in pursuit of his dream. It is important to understand that, regardless of the technique or device chosen, the length of the organ will not exceed 5 cm. Therefore, it is advisable to consider options other than surgical intervention, since this manipulation is experimental. In accepting it, everyone acts at their own risk.

A man who dreams of real penis enlargement


Massage (jelq) is the oldest way to improve the male organ. It consists of repeating the exercises over several months.


By massaging and stretching the penis for up to half an hour a day, you can improve the result by 1-2 cm.

Be sure to use cream or ointment during the process, which will increase the effect of the procedure and also warm up the organ.

Jelqing has 3 varieties:

  • Wet. Initially, the penis is petrified and heated. It is carried out under running hot water, rubbed with a towel, a washcloth or wrapped in a terry cloth soaked in hot water.
  • Lubricated. Massage movements should be performed on the penis, applying lubricant to it. The index finger and thumb should come together to form a ring. Then the penis is grasped at the base and sliding movements are performed over the entire organ without tightening. It is carried out when the erection does not exceed one third; if it intensifies, it must be calmed down until it returns to the required state.
  • Dry. The fingers are in the same position as during a massage with lubricant, just squeeze the manhood with all your fingers. It is best to massage in the morning during the period of highest concentration of testosterone in the body. Movement of the hand from the base towards the head.

A set of exercises and a special gel

The home method of increasing the size of the manhood is very popular today. It gives real and painless penis enlargement and does not require risky surgical intervention.

There are effective exercises that are publicly available on the Internet on video:

  • Elongation. The penis is grasped almost at the base of the head and pulled towards itself. This will help warm up the ligaments.
  • Jelqing. To perform the procedure, you will need a special gel designed to enlarge the penis. The organ is brought to incomplete erection and massage is performed using the technique described above.
  • Massage. It is necessary to normalize the blood circulation of the penis. Performed 30 times in a circular motion.
  • Circular stretch. This requires holding your head stretched upward for 5 to 7 seconds. Then the penis is rotated counterclockwise in a tense state. The exercise is repeated 20 times. After each cycle, it will be mandatory to shake the organ to normalize blood circulation.
  • Attraction. In case of incomplete erection, you need to pull the organ towards the buttocks and gently and slowly sit on it.
  • Mahi. The member is brought to full erection, the organ is swung vertically and horizontally. In this exercise, tension should be exerted on the muscles of the perineum.
Penis size after enlargement affects a man's self-esteem

Stretching technique

The most effective technique that guarantees real penis enlargement.

It's important to follow these steps to get results:

  • Daily repetition of manipulations. A day without classes will ruin your efforts.
  • Increasing the duration of the exercise, as well as the number of times it is performed, should be gradual. It is forbidden, for example, to hang for an hour straight. The load should increase slowly.
  • During exercise, the penis should not be at all erect or semi-erect. Otherwise, you could get injured.

Grip and stretch technique

For this technique, 5 minutes a day is enough, but a real penis enlargement of 2-3 cm can be achieved in just a few months. Classes of this type are convenient because they can be conducted more than once a day. The goal of the stretching and gripping technique is to increase the volume of the cavities of the genital organ.

The sequence of exercises is as follows:

  • The organ is lubricated with gel or cream.
  • The man sits on the edge of the bed, strokes the penis and squeezes it with the closed index finger and thumb. Move his hand from the base to the head. It is important that the grip is firm. This will allow the skin to stretch as much as possible.
  • When returning to the base of the organ, the grip must be strengthened to trap more blood in the penis.
  • The speed of movements should be increased gradually, excitement should be felt.
  • When a full erection is achieved, the finger ring must be squeezed even tighter in order to retain the blood in the cavernous tissues.
  • Without letting go of your hand, you must grab it by the base with your other hand and pull as far as possible. It is important that you do not feel any discomfort.
  • Stay in this position for 10 seconds. Then stretch to the right, left, down, everywhere for the specified duration. You must repeat 4 phases of the exercise.
  • Once completed, the adhesion to the base weakens and a flow of blood is felt. Ejaculation is possible.

This technique will be effective provided there is sufficient lubrication and a firm grip. But in order to avoid injury, negative consequences and painful sensations, the method should not block normal blood circulation.